Sober as a judge!


There is a bottle of white wine chilling in our fridge.

It’s been there since Sunday when it had the company of another bottle of white wine. But now it’s all by itself. Quietly chilling away. It won’t be opened tonight so that’s four nights and counting…

I’ve just checked our drinks cabinet (it’s a press). It’s fairly well stocked with spirits and most of the bottles are more than half full. At a moment’s notice, we could whip together a cheeky G&T or a hot whiskey. Even a cosmopolitan, should the mood take us. That all sounds frightfully grown up and responsible, doesn’t it?

Time was, not so long ago, you couldn’t keep a bottle of wine in this house, particularly on a Friday night. Wine was bought for drinking and preferably in one sitting. Leftover wine? Whatthehellisthat? If there were spirits in the house, it was because there was a party. Once the sun was up, if there was anything left it was because someone brought their mother’s ouzo from her holiday in Crete or the bottle of Absinthe smuggled in a suitcase from a messy weekend in Prague.

But now there’s booze in our house. Because we don’t want to drink it. No, we do want to drink it but just in small amounts, with no consequences. The luxury of sleeping off a hangover until well past midday and eating last night’s cold pizza for breakfast is a distant, dry-mouthed memory. In fact, for me the thoughts of having a hangover and having to play blocks or run around the kitchen table in a convoy of choo choo trains is so not fucking funny, I can’t even laugh about it. Also, alcohol makes me want to stay up later because I want to drink more of it. Which means my window of opportunity for sweet, sweet shut eye gets increasingly narrower because morning time is not dictated by me and it just seems like masochism at this stage to purposefully rob myself of sleep. Why would I do that when there’s a little person who does a really great job of that already? Why?

Since I’ve started running on Saturday mornings, having a glass of wine the night before is the equivalent of kicking myself in the stomach before I even get started. In the olden (golden? nah, rose-tinted – these days rock) days, Friday night was WINE NIGHT. After a long week in the office, the thoughts of a big, bowl-sized glass of red wine – or two, three… – was enough to put me in a good mood and boy, did I enjoy it!

Don’t get me wrong, I am still a passionate lover of alcohol. In one former life, I worked as a cocktail bartender and had the privilege of mixing and tasting drinks I could never in a million years afford. I still make a mean mojito and there isn’t a cocktail I can’t make (Try me 🙂 ). In another previous life, a big portion of my work revolved around corporate entertainment and once again, I had the opportunity to indulge in tipples and concoctions that would make my bank manager weep if he thought that credit card bill was mine. They were good times! I genuinely appreciate alcohol and I enjoy a social drink but at the moment the drawbacks outweigh the benefits. And I’ve become a lightweight in the meantime. It took me nearly three hours to drink two glasses of wine with dinner on my birthday. I’m 34!

We’ll be friends again, el vino. But not today, not today.

Is it just me or have I sisters in sobriety?

20 responses to “Sober as a judge!

  1. I’m your sister. It’s now over a month since baby arrived and still not so much as a glass of wine taken. It just doesn’t seem worth it to me. Give me twenty years or so though, and I’m sure I’ll be in touch looking for those cocktail recipes!

  2. Oh, I am so there. Between moving to America (where the drinking culture is different and you’re so often driving home that you can only have one anyway) and the breastfeeding forever, I haven’t had a G&T in seven years (okay, fine, I’ve had one) and I have no tolerance at all any more. If I have more than two glasses of wine, I’m a wreck. And not a fun wreck, either.

  3. I am with you on the so-not-worth-it element – I am a complete lightweight now and staying out late drinking then getting up in the night or early morning to look after babies and small children just doesn’t work on so many levels! But I still love wine, and savour every sip of my one glass on Friday and Saturday nights…ok one and half glasses if we’re having a really big night 🙂

  4. I have been a pioneer since first pregnancy, and I bloody LOVED getting arseholed. I just can’t do it. The self loathing that comes with my hangovers would make me ready for committal now that there’s kids involved

  5. Oh I totally know this feeling. I too have a bottle of wine sitting in the fridge, with one glass gone out of it, waiting there (probably for my Mam to come down and drink it!). I would have partied hard in my 20s and early 30s and consumed a fair bit of alchohol but now – it’s just not worth it. I have little interest in the thoughts of a night out on the town going wild as the idea of having to get up the next day and play with a hangover is not appealing at all. I was chatting to a friend the other day who has a teenager and she had been out at the weekend on a wildish night – I mentioned that I thought I was past all that and she said that’s what she said when hers were small. Now they are older and more independent though she really enjoys a night out every now and again and a few (i.e more than one) drinks. So shall we set a date for a night out in about 8 years time?

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